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Here is How You Write a Winning Dissertation Proposal

Updated: Mar 23, 2018

Every student has to come face to face with a dissertation sooner or later in his or her career. Writing a professional looking dissertation is no child’s play and that is exactly why many students fail in their dissertation.

This specific area of academics requires a lot of research along with a whole lot of writing and editing. A lot of students find it very hard to maintain a social life while completing a dissertation and that’s why they usually end up hiring online dissertation help service such as DissertationUK. These services will get your work done in change of cash but sometimes they fail to deliver, in which case the student is left with a bad grade. Before you go into details, every dissertation starts with a good and well maintained proposal. Dissertation proposal is the key section of any dissertation as it will be the first thing your reader will read.

Having a good dissertation proposal is like winning half of the battle. The basic purpose of a proposal is to tell the reads about what will you investigating in your dissertation and how will you be doing it. A typical dissertation proposal should include:

  • An overview of your literature

  • A problem statement

  • A research question

  • Research methodology

  • References

Your dissertation proposal should be able to identify your literature review along with the main problem statement; it should also include a proper research question and its methodology. Do not forget to state the references that you will be using throughout your dissertation. Today we will show you how to writer professional looking dissertation proposal in few steps mentioned below:

  • Look for literature and try to look for things that motivates you and state what has been already done while trying to find questions that are still un-answered.

  • Make a research question and a problem statement, this means that you need to identify your main problem and question that you will be working hard to solve in your dissertation. Adding some sub questions in your work is also a good idea as it will help you tackles your main question even more professionally.

  • Create a methodology for your research work. In this part you will be explaining how will you be answering your research question and what methods will you be using etc.

  • Identify your data sources. Here you have to tell your readers about your sources that you are planning on using to obtain the data that your need for your dissertation. Also tell how you will search for relevant journals and literature that you will seek advice from throughout this process.

If you’re a student who is having a tough time with his or her dissertation proposal writing. These steps mentioned above are all taken from expert writers with years of experience behind each, following these steps will surely help you write a professional looking dissertation proposal with ease.

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